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Troubleshooting Modem Connection Problems for Windows 95


  • I can't connect to the network.
  • I don’t get a dial tone.
  • My connection to CNC has worked for a long time, but suddenly stopped working.
  • I have fewer problems dialing into other locations than dialing into CNC. Why is that?
  • My connection hangs just as I am logging in to CNC.
  • I can’t connect to CNC and I think my modem is the problem.
  • I get a dial tone, but no number dials.
  • I get a dial tone and hear a number dialing, but it does not connect me to CNC.
  • I get an error message that says, "COMx" failed. I cannot get an outside line.
  • The number I am calling keeps getting a "9" inserted in front of it.
  • I want to use my CNC account while traveling, but I don't know how to do it.
  • I get an error message that says, "Can’t find Winsock.dll".
  • I lose my network connection when a call comes in on my phone line.

  • General Modem Problems

    Modems, among other reasons, account for a large number of the "general" problems new subscribers experience in setting up their connections. See Modem Settings for the straight details on configuring your modems. Among the most common modem-related problems are:

    • I can't connect to the network.
    • I don’t get a dial tone.
    • My connection to CNC worked great for a long time, but suddenly started quitting.
    • I have fewer problems dialing into other locations than dialing into CNC. Why is that?

    Your Windows 95 operating system attempts to automatically set up and configure your modem when you first attach it and run its modem setup program. In most cases, it will do so without a hitch. In most situations, you should accept Windows 95’s default modem settings, including the port, Interrupt and IRQ port settings shown below. Your overall settings should then be:



    Interrupt: 3
    IRQ Address: 3F8
    Baud: 14,400 or higher
    Data Bits: 8
    Stop Bits: 1
    Parity: None
    Flow Control: Hardware (RTS/CTS)

    Interrupt: 4
    IRQ Address: 2F8
    Baud: 14,400 or higher
    Data Bits: 8
    Stop Bits: 1
    Parity: None Parity: None
    Flow Control: Hardware (RTS/CTS)

    If you find you are still having problems connecting after using Windows 95's modem installation program, bear with us as we try going through the connection steps, set out below:

    To inspect your settings and check for possible modem problems, follow these steps:

    1. Make sure your modem is turned on and that all of its wires (for external modems) are securely fastened.
    2. Check the port settings to make sure your modem is properly configured for the COM port to which it is physically connected. To do this:
      2. Click on the Taskbar’s STARTbutton.
      4. Double-click the "Modems" icon.
      5. From the "Modem Properties" dialog box, click on the PROPERTIES button to inspect or change your modem's settings, as shown in the figure below. Windows 95 Modem Configuration Setup
      6. Click on the "General" tab if it is not already selected.
      7. Make sure the Communications Port selected matches the one to which your modem is connected. For most systems, this will be "COM2" if your comptuer has two serial ports, and COM1 if it does not (provided you do not have a serial mouse connected to it).
      8. Set the speaker volume indicator sufficiently to hear it dialing (greater than "off").
      9. Accept the "Maximum speed" setting default Windows 95 inserted unless you know it is incorrect. Note that your modem's maximum speed may considerably exceed the baud rate entered. This is because the effective data transmission rate varies with data compression and line dynamics.
      10. Make sure the box next to "Only connect at this speed" is unchecked.
      11. Click the "Connection" tab.
      12. Make sure the connection preferences are set at 8-N-1:
        8 Data bits
        No Parity
        1 Stop bit.
      13. Check the box next to "Wait for dial tone before dialing."
      14. Click the "OK" buttons to exit out of these dialog boxes.
    3. For internal modems, you may need to remove your computer's cover and make sure the modem card is snugly seated.

    Other Reasons

    Other possible reasons for difficulties connecting to the network include:
    • Your modem or telephone lines are too close to other electronic devices, possibly causing electro-magnetic interference.
    • You may have improper types of telephone wire or cables (external).
    • Your communications card (external) or modem card (internal) may be defective.
    • Your telephone wires or cables(external) may be plugged into the wrong slots.
    • A major earthquake may have damaged Concentric Network's servers.
    • You may not have properly installed your communications/dialer software.
    • Are you sure you are using the right password?
    • Are you sure your account status is up to date?

    Dialing problems

    Dialing problems may show up when:

    • My connection hangs just as I am logging to CNC.
    • I get a dial tone, but no number dials.
    • I get a dial tone and hear a number dialing, but it does not connect me to CNC.
    • My connection hangs just as I am logging in to CNC.

    Phone calls are sometimes dropped due to line interference, heavy traffic loads or momentary hardware failures. Heavier than normal network loads also may cause your line to hang shortly after you try to connect. If your call does not go through on the first attempt, wait several minutes and try again.

    If you still cannot connect, check your dialer settings you had entered when you set up your Windows 95 "Dial-up Networking." (see the Configuring Your Dialer section for greater details). To do this:

    1. From your Windows 95 desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon.
    2. Double-click on the "Dial-UP Networking" icon.
    3. Double-click on the connection Entry Name you want to use to connect to Concentric Network. This will display your dialer window, entitled "Connect To."
    4. Make sure that your "User name", "phone number" (your Local Access Number or CNC's hourly 800 number: 1-800-991-4227), and "Dialing from" settings are correct.
    5. Click on the "Dialing Properties" button to display the dialing properties dialog box similar to the one shown below. Windows 95 Dialer Configuration
    6. Check to see if your "I am dialing from:" location, area code and country are correct.
    7. Check to see if the "How I dial from this location" settings are correct for:
      • obtaining an outside line (enter a number, such as "9", to get an outside line).
      • using a calling card (check only if you are using one. You will be prompted to enter your credit card information upon checking the box).
      • disabling call waiting while your computer is using a telephone line which is otherwise used for voice calls (check only if you have the "Call Waiting" feature. The value is "*70" at most locations).
      • Type of dialing. Most locations use "tone" dialing. Unless you are sure your location uses "pulse" dialing, leave it at "tone."
    8. Click the "OK" button.
    9. Make sure your modem and phone line are not in use by any other program.

    Outside line problems

    If your dialer failed to dial 9 to get an outside line, or if it improperly inserted a 9 for an outside line when none is needed, follow these steps to inspect or change these settings:

    1. From your Windows 95 desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon.
    2. Double-click on the "Dial-UP Networking" icon.
    3. Double-click on the connection Entry Name you want to use to connect to Concentric Network.
    4. Click on the "Dial Properties" button.
    5. Depending on which you want, make sure you have (or have not) entered 9 (or other number, if appropriate) in the "To get an outside line…" boxes.
    6. Click on the "OK" buttons to exit out.

    Call waiting problems

    If your connection is disrupted when another call comes in, it may be due to call waiting interference. If you have this feature on a phone line that you also use for your computer, you should disable it while using your modem, as follows:

    1. From your Windows 95 desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon.
    2. Double-click on the "Dial-UP Networking" icon.
    3. Double-click on the connection Entry Name you want to use to connect to Concentric Network.
    4. Click on the "Dial Properties" button.
    5. Select the appropriate code for temporarily disabling the call waiting feature. Consult your local phone company for the appropriate code (in most cases, the default "*70," works fine).
    6. Click on the "OK" button to exit out.

    Winsock problems

    If you get an error saying, "Can’t find Winsock.dll", as soon as you try running Netscape Navigator or e-mail, chances are that your TCP/IP software is improperly installed, or is not installed at all. For details on setting it up, see the section on "Configuring Your Dialer."

    Long-distance problems

    If your dialer inserted an area code or country code inappropriately, follow these steps to inspect or change your settings.

    1. From your Windows 95 desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon.
    2. Double-click on the "Dial-UP Networking" icon.
    3. Double-click on the connection Entry Name you want to use to connect to Concentric Network.
    4. Click on the "Dial Properties" button.
    5. Check to see if your "I am dialing from:" location, area code and country are correct.
    6. If your location isn't on the list:
      • Click New.
      • Type a name for the location.
      • Make sure your area code and country code are correct.
      • Make sure the options for dialing from this location are correct.
    7. Click on the "OK" button to exit out.

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